Gender Differences

There are two things I want to touch on in my blog post this week: first, the difference and finality of gender, and second, how we can take advantage of those differences to build our families.
Males and females are born different. Not just our physical strength and stature, but our brains and thought processes are different. Studies have shown that starting as babies, boys and girls engage with the world in different ways than the other. We can see evidence of this in playtime, social engagement, cooperation, focus, spatial orientation, and competitiveness.

Of course, there are always exceptions. There may be a girl with more typical male tendencies or a boy with more typical girl tendencies, but that does not mean they are the wrong gender, it means Heavenly Father has blessed them with diverse strengths and abilities. The Family, a Proclamation to the World states, “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” What a positive thing it is for each child of God to be different and help build their family in unique ways.

Why does this matter in a family? When we use our various strengths to benefit our families rather than trying to change who we are, it strengthens the unit as a whole. It can be easy to see others around you, whether within your family, ward, or friends, and think of their skills as more valuable or developed than your own. Heavenly Father gave you the gifts and abilities you have because there are specific people in the world, and specifically in your family, that you can impact positively. There are those around you who need what you have, but you could miss it if you’re trying to fill the role of someone else. What a shame to never develop a unique gift you were given because you saw someone else’s gift as more valuable.

Heavenly Father has revealed to us anciently as well as through modern-day prophets how essential marriage is between a man and a woman. I believe one of the reasons for this is because of the inimitable strengths both bring to the table. When those strengths are brought together through marriage ordained by God where husband and wife keep their covenants, that partnership can become a force for good that can withstand any temptation. They can create a home as sacred as the holy temple itself. It’s no wonder, then, that Satan is working so hard to diminish the prevalence of families in the world.

“By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.”

No one has the perfect family. There are many righteous saints in the world who, because of circumstances beyond their power, are unable to attain the ideal family in this life. However, as we look toward this heavenly organization of the family based on marriage between male and female, we can be filled with hope for our futures knowing that Heavenly Father will allow us to have our righteous desires fulfilled. We can know we’ll have our God’s help as we strive to build a righteous family and gain more appreciation for the differences that were given by Him.


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