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Overview of what I learned through this class.

Family Relations: Top 10 1.      Being prepared to stand up for your beliefs and courageously answering questions can have an impact on how our friends and family members view the family in today’s world. The attack on the family is so prevalent in today’s society. I believe most people believe what they do because they think it is what is right. However, the devil has skewed the view of many righteous principles related to the family to make it seem like those who believe marriage is a sacred thing to be shared between and man and a woman are cold hearted. Many people support abortion, believing it is the woman’s decision of what she does to her own body, not realizing the fetus as a living person with rights. When done in love, our courage to stand by what is right can have a good influence on others even when the world’s ideas are in stark contrast to that of God’s commandments. As we address the questions or statements of our friends and family with an abundance of love,

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